Saturday, October 08, 2011


HEY GUYS! I'm currently at Johor Bahru bebeh! <3<3
Well, it's hard for me to get back to JB for a month because of final papers.
Hell yeah! Monday, 3rd Octo 2011, officially my 3rd semester was end. YEAYYY!! Party party bebehhh~

I've got an offer at McD Bangi. The salary is quite "AWESOME" mannnn!! $$$$$ ka-ching can you smell the money honey?
On 5th, I have to go for trainning. But my mum asked me to reject that job and back to JB. *Huh? Whatta..?? -. .-"

She offered me with a lot of benefit if I stay here. Okayy! Deal! (^__<)Y
That's what I called as rainbow of a "LIFE" HAHAHA *evil laugh

Okay now what? I've plan to become a successful domestic engineer.. Even it's just a beginner. *Nahhh! Who cares right? 

I will be pay for my job! Okayy that's co_ol! I can start saving my $ka-ching$ LALALALA~
How about you guys?? Sitting on sofa, shaking legs and watching tv??
And.. How about... switch off the tv and START.PLANNING.NOW!!! AHAAA~
Goodluck guys! :)))))))))))))))

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